Module 1: MOUD 101
Unit 5: Closing Thoughts & Reflections
Brining it all together
Now that you’ve completed this module, let’s recap!
- Have a better general understanding of opioids, opioid use disorder (OUD) and co-occurring disorders
- Be able to simply describe Medications for Opioid Use Disorder (MOUD)
- Recognize and address myths, misconceptions and stigma surrounding MOUD
- Know where to go for guidance on MOUD-related policies for recovery homes
- Be encouraged to reflect and discuss with your team about how MOUD can promote recovery journey and ways your agency can increase support for clients who use MOUD.
- Opioid use disorder is a problematic pattern of opioid use that causes significant impairment or distress.
- MOUD combines medication and behavioral therapy to support people in their recovery.
- Misconceptions and stigma around MOUD, rather than MOUD itself, disrupts recovery.
- Clients have the right to continue MOUD while seeking residence in recovery homes.
- Consider how you can build on the reflection scenarios and information in this module to create welcoming homes for clients who use MOUD.