Module 2 - Unit 6: Closing Thoughts & Reflections

Now that you have completed this module, we hope you learned…

  1. The importance of self-reflection and insight when working with people, and how your own values play a role in how you approach the house manager role
  2. The role of effective communication, especially when helping those who have experienced trauma
  3. The importance of a supportive community to enhance recovery, including both inside the house and outside
  4. Strategies for dealing with a crisis situation
  5. Recovery Resident differences and special considerations
Reflection Questions
  1. Thinking about the content from this module, what areas do you feel good or confident in, and what would you like to work on moving forward?
  2. You play an incredibly important role within your Recovery Home. Your recovery journey is just as important! 
    1. What boundaries and supports do you need? 
    2. How will you communicate this or ask for support? 
  3. What actions can you take to create a safe and inclusive environment for clients from a variety of backgrounds (e.g., race, religion, sexuality, gender, ability, language, immigration status)?
    1. How might you adjust Recovery Home activities? 
    2. What will you do if conflict arises around identities? 
    3. What resources do you know of to support clients?
Congratulations and Thank You for Completing Module 2
RHAAZ Course Curriculum