Unit 3: Stigma & Bias
Unfortunately, even with these advances in behavioral healthcare, there are still negative attitudes, or stigma, towards mental and substance use disorders
What is a stigma?
- “A complex social phenomenon based on a relationship between an attribute and a stereotype that assigns undesirable labels, qualities, and behaviors to the person with that attribute” (National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine, 2016)
- Stigma can be seen at all levels of the healthcare setting
Effects of Stigma & Bias
According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, stigma may cause people with substance use disorders (SUD) to…
- Avoid the care or treatment they need
- Conceal their substance use and miss opportunities for treatment and care
- Receive a poorer quality of care
- Have decreased access to health programs
- Increase their substance use
Stigma and Discrimination:
National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) (nih.gov)
Addressing Stigma & Bias
- Language and criminalization perpetuate stigma and biases
- To combat this, we can…
- Understand SUD for what they really are: chronic, treatable conditions
- Replace stigmatizing language and use person-first language
- Respect and dignity are key when treating SUD
- Recognize that treatment works
- FDA-approved medications can cut the risk of overdose in half (Johns Hopkins Medicine, 2023)
- Apply an intersectional lens
- Systemic discrimination (e.g. systemic racism or sexism) can add layers to this stigma (National Institute on Drug Abuse, 2023)
Key Takeaways
- Stigma can be seen at all levels of the healthcare system.
- Stigma may prevent others from receiving or seeking the quality care and treatment they need.
- One must continuously reflect on their own stigmas and address them.
RHAAZ Course Curriculum
- American Psychological Association, Botticelli & Koh; Kelly et al.
- https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/stigma-of-addiction
- https://extension.usu.edu/heart/research/reducingstigma%20her%20condition
- Stigma and Discrimination | National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) (nih.gov)